IEEE Cross Check Portal

Welcome to the IEEE CrossCheck Portal, with the Prohibited Participants List (PPL) Database

IEEE is pleased to offer publication volunteers with two important quality-control tools to use when reviewing author manuscript submissions:

The CrossCheck Portal was developed as a centralized place for IEEE publication volunteers to submit manuscripts to CrossCheck in order to check for plagiarism and multiple publication. The Portal provides pub volunteers with features to help enhance and simplify their use of CrossCheck.

The Prohibited Participants List (PPL) Database is an easy way for IEEE publication volunteers to check for individuals who have been prohibited from publishing roles for any or all IEEE publications. Volunteers can compare names against the most up-to-date information on prohibited participants, at any time, and get the results quickly.

Report an incident of Plagiarism: If you have discovered an incident of plagiarism and would like to report the details to IEEE, you may click the link below.

Plagiarism Reporting Tool

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If you are unable to log in, and are a publication volunteer with an IEEE Web Account, please fill out the registration form here.

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